The ability to add little notes in tiles on the home page, e.g. “site is always in progress” or “dear visitor...”. From a technical POV this is pretty simple (I’m basically already doing it for collections) but I need to figure out typographically / graphically how they’ll work with other types of tiles on the home page.


I recently watched a lecture by Dan Michaelson of Linked by Air, where he talks about the role of temporality in the work of the studio and the idea of making websites responsive to the current time. I also find myself wanting the “styles” I created for the home page to be more immediately discoverable. Perhaps I could have the default style change based on time/season, e.g.:

  • “night” showing at night in EST or the visitor’s location
  • “hudson” showing at around sunset in NYC
  • “bloom” showing in spring
Time-based style changes

I really like the way my friend Patrick creates little sites which record and categorize things in his life, such as his listening log, and I realized I’d want a similar ability in my own collections to categorize each item, such as by recording a book’s genre and my reading progress for books on the shelf.

Basic tagging scheme for collections

A way of browsing the full archive of writing, collections, and links that I’ve published without any pagination (although I’m generally fond of the way pagination works on my home page)

An “everything” index page

Right now you can only link to an overall collection page, but in the future I want to use URL queries to allow linking to specific items within a collection.

Deep linking to collection items

I have an idea for a home screen animation when you click on an article/collection link, where the home tiles on screen disappear 1-by-1 to reveal the new page. I’m not sure if there’s a good way to technically implement this though, because I would rather not hijack my anchor tags or have fake ones instead of providing the real link.

Page transitions

If I try to fit in every idea I have for this website before pushing it live for the first time, it’s never going to happen. So I’m making a list of future ideas/intentions, and it felt appropriate to add them here.

The “lightbox” on collection pages scrolls horizontally right now, which I think works great for images/video, but it does look a little odd with text items, as this page demonstrates. I want to add the ability to set the scroll-direction for a page, so text-only pages can have a more comfortable vertical scroll.

Vertical lightbox for collections

I want to carry over the same styling I’m using for links on the home page to let me add link tiles in my collections (example use case: a “websites I’ve made” collection linking to each one)

Link blocks for collection pages

To create some breathing room and visual rhythm as you navigate.

Intentionally empty blocks in home page

I noticed, for example, that by default my main sans (more info in colophon) doesn’t have a character for “ö”, and I don’t think it would be a huge deal to draw it myself in Glyphs.

Cleaning up font file and typesetting

Now we’re really getting into territory, but I want to be able to collect pages that I’ve published on the site within collections (formatted/functioning as they would appear on the home page). It would function as a kind of tag/categorization scheme, but without enforcing any taxonomical constraints.

Nesting articles/collections in collections

I’m thinking this will be a full-height box (15x9/9x9/1x(…) boxes) with 3-5 filled in per page with links to other pages, formatted in the same way as they are on the home page. It would be either randomized or populated with items I designate as ‘related’ for the page.

A “more stuff” grid at the bottom of pages referring you to other pages


The ability to add little notes in tiles on the home page, e.g. “site is always in progress” or “dear visitor...”. From a technical POV this is pretty simple (I’m basically already doing it for collections) but I need to figure out typographically / graphically how they’ll work with other types of tiles on the home page.

Time-based style changes

I recently watched a lecture by Dan Michaelson of Linked by Air, where he talks about the role of temporality in the work of the studio and the idea of making websites responsive to the current time. I also find myself wanting the “styles” I created for the home page to be more immediately discoverable. Perhaps I could have the default style change based on time/season, e.g.:

  • “night” showing at night in EST or the visitor’s location
  • “hudson” showing at around sunset in NYC
  • “bloom” showing in spring

Basic tagging scheme for collections

I really like the way my friend Patrick creates little sites which record and categorize things in his life, such as his listening log, and I realized I’d want a similar ability in my own collections to categorize each item, such as by recording a book’s genre and my reading progress for books on the shelf.

An “everything” index page

A way of browsing the full archive of writing, collections, and links that I’ve published without any pagination (although I’m generally fond of the way pagination works on my home page)

Deep linking to collection items

Right now you can only link to an overall collection page, but in the future I want to use URL queries to allow linking to specific items within a collection.

Page transitions

I have an idea for a home screen animation when you click on an article/collection link, where the home tiles on screen disappear 1-by-1 to reveal the new page. I’m not sure if there’s a good way to technically implement this though, because I would rather not hijack my anchor tags or have fake ones instead of providing the real link.

Vertical lightbox for collections

The “lightbox” on collection pages scrolls horizontally right now, which I think works great for images/video, but it does look a little odd with text items, as this page demonstrates. I want to add the ability to set the scroll-direction for a page, so text-only pages can have a more comfortable vertical scroll.

Intentionally empty blocks in home page

To create some breathing room and visual rhythm as you navigate.

Cleaning up font file and typesetting

I noticed, for example, that by default my main sans (more info in colophon) doesn’t have a character for “ö”, and I don’t think it would be a huge deal to draw it myself in Glyphs.

Nesting articles/collections in collections

Now we’re really getting into territory, but I want to be able to collect pages that I’ve published on the site within collections (formatted/functioning as they would appear on the home page). It would function as a kind of tag/categorization scheme, but without enforcing any taxonomical constraints.

A “more stuff” grid at the bottom of pages referring you to other pages

I’m thinking this will be a full-height box (15x9/9x9/1x(…) boxes) with 3-5 filled in per page with links to other pages, formatted in the same way as they are on the home page. It would be either randomized or populated with items I designate as ‘related’ for the page.